Is your child arriving late to school?
Your child must be in their classroom by 9:25am
Tardiness should be a rare occurrence and avoided to the best of your ability. You may think a few minutes isn’t a big deal, but it can be. It is disruptive to the teacher, your child’s classmates, and to the front office. It also puts your child behind to the start of their day. Let’s work together to give your child the best start to their day possible. Please do your very best to have them in their classroom by 9:25. You may need to look at your morning routine if you are noticing a trend of being tardy. Perhaps set your alarm a few minutes earlier. We appreciate your attention to this very important issue.
Procedure: . You will need to park and escort your child into the building. Parents must sign any tardy students in on the appropriate sheet It is not necessary to call nor do you need to use the absence reporting forms. Simply come to school and sign them in. Children dropped off without a parent signing them in will be given an unexcused tardy.
*Understandably, medical/dental appointments happen occasionally during a school day resulting in an excused tardy.
Will your child be having an EARLY DISMISSAL?
Procedure: Do not call the front office. We cannot call your students down for dismissal until you have signed them out in the vestibule.
Email teacher as a courtesy so they can be prepared for the dismissal.
Come to the vestibule outside the front office and sign your child out.
Be prepared to present your photo id upon request.
Please do not ask for dismissals after 3:40pm as it interferes with dismissal procedures.
*Note: Students can only be released to parents or individuals listed on their Emergency Contacts list, so please be sure your Family File is up-to-date.